The government, through the BEIS department, is seeking to consult with people on what can be done to improve the country’s development of “green lifestyles.” They have developed a questionnaire, which is quite long, but very thorough to enable you to express your opinion. We have until 27th October to complete it!
Here are the government’s stated aims:
The BEIS Secretary of State has commissioned an independent review of the government’s approach to delivering its net zero target, to ensure we are delivering net zero in a way that is pro-business and pro-growth. See the Terms of Reference for further information on the Review.
The review will consider how our approach to net zero can:
- deliver maximum economic growth and investment, driving opportunities for private investment, jobs, innovation, exports, and growth right across the UK
- support UK energy security and affordability for consumers and businesses and the need to rapidly increase and strengthen UK energy production and supply
- minimise costs borne by businesses and consumers, particularly in the short-term
The review will assess the economic co-benefits associated with different policies and how we can drive down the cost curve for net zero technologies. It will consider innovative approaches and ways of delivering our target that ensure the government maximises the economic opportunities presented by net zero.
Click on the following button to make your contribution: